Essie Gel + Lacquer Spring 2017 B'aha Moment Collection Set Of 12

  • Essie Gel + Lacquer Spring 2017 B'aha Moment Collection Set Of 12
  • Gel B'aha Moment Collection Includes: 0.42 oz 12.5 mL Each
  1. On The Roadie #1047G
  2. Excuse Me, Sur #1048G
  3. Backseat Besties #1049G
  4. B'aha Moment #1050G
  5. Designated DJ #1051G
  6. All The Wave #1052G
  • Lacquer B'aha Moment Collection Includes: 0.46 oz 13.5 mL Each
  1. On The Roadie #1047
  2. Excuse Me, Sur #1048
  3. Backseat Besties #1049
  4. B'aha Moment #1050
  5. Designated DJ #1051
  6. All The Wave #1052
